BD Yellow Pages
Bengal Rent-A-Car

Bengal Rent-A-Car

Bengal Rent-A-Car Provide service for specially corporate house like local & multinational companies, embassies, medical services, production & manufacturing unit, emergency export duty like that help to maintain supply chain management by supplying any kind of Modern vehicle based on demand.

Bengal Rent-A-Car provide exclusive package for Foreigners to supply any kind of modern vehicle all over the Bangladesh by hourly, daily, monthly and yearly basis with English speaking driver & helper or guider by sharp time maintenance & smart behavior with hotel accommodation service.

Bengal Rent-A-Car Contact

Address: House 8,Block -D,Rup Garden,Rd No 1, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01611-179530
Website: Click to View
Time: 12 am To 12 am (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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