BD Yellow Pages
Coffee World Dhanmondi Branch

Coffee World Dhanmondi Branch

Coffee World, an international premium coffee chain is a part of Global Franchise Architects (GFA) and is the first international specialty coffee brand to expand through a combination of corporate stores and a network of single unit franchise. In late 1977, fuelled by inspiration, GFA launched the first ever Coffee World. Although international arena is bursting with competition, Coffee World in a short span of time, has distinguished itself and come to emerge as one of the market leaders due to its unwavering commitment to quality.

At Coffee World, they take great care to provide their guests with the finest experience. The beans are carefully selected and roasted to perfection, the recipes are developed with the highest quality ingredients, and their baristas are extensively trained to serve you a premium beverage for your ultimate pleasure.

Apart from the wide range of premium hot and cold coffees, Coffe World also offer a range of freshly made complementary foods with an international flavor. The menu includes such favorites as waffles, fresh tossed salads, cakes and sandwiches. Coffee World is renowned for having the best and widest range of Frappes (ice blended coffee or cream) in the world, and is famous for its waffles which are made fresh at the store daily.

Coffee World Dhanmondi Branch Contact

Address: Road 27, Dhanmondi 27, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone: 02-8961665
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 10 am To 11 pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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