BD Yellow Pages
Combeshi General Store

Combeshi General Store

Address: 62/3 Zikatola, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka-1209
Established: January 1, 2010
Phone number: +8801673904980

In Zikatola, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh, there is a reputable grocery store (superstore) called Combeshi General Store. It set off on its journey on January 1st, 2010, with the intention of supplying everyday necessities to the more than a million-person Dhanmondi and Zikatola region. The shop specializes in selling genuine goods for affordable prices. Additionally, we provide home delivery services in the neighboring areas of Dhanmondi and Zikatola. We offer a wide range of grocery products, including food for cooking, drinks, baked goods, snacks, milk, and dairy products, as well as things for the home and kitchen, infant care, personal care, household cleaning, and other necessities. Since opening, the store has expanded tremendously and developed a name for itself in the community. A team of experienced employees manages the store with the goals of increasing customer happiness and business expansion.

Combeshi General Store Contact

Address: 62/3, Zigatola, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801673904980
Phone: +8801726671646
Time: 8:00 Am To 8:00 pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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