BD Yellow Pages
Contech Ltd.

Contech Ltd.

After completion of his graduation in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Managing Director Engr. Md. Masud Reza completed his MBA from Leicester University, UK and then got enrolled in doctoral program in a US university and had started working on solving the traffic congestion in Dhaka city.

In this regard he had gathered lot of experiences in mass transit systems at different parts of the world. He designed the metro rail network of Dhaka city for the first time and Contech became the lowest bidder and first prequalified contractor of Bangladesh for establishing metro rail in Dhaka.

As a Director Operations of Builders the Best Ltd., he has also gathered extensive knowledge on different sorts of construction projects.

Company Name :Contech Ltd
Principal :Komatsu Ltd, Japan
Address :House #103, Road #9A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-109
Telephone :88-02-8117171, 88-02-9113355, 9129494
Fax :88-02-8117373
Products :Engineering Construction, Consultancy and Distributor of Komatsu Ltd of Japan

Contech Ltd. Contact

Address: House-103,Dhanmondi R/A, Dhanmondi 9/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone: 02-8117171,9113355,9129494
Fax: 02-8117373
Website: Click to View
Time: 10am To 6pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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