BD Yellow Pages
Ecstasy Caffe

Ecstasy Caffe

Ecstasy Caffe combines an European menu with a casually sophisticated setting in Jamuna Future Park (Besides Blockbuster Cinemas). We do our sincere best to ensure our customers a relaxing and enjoyable dining experience. Ecstasy Cafe is about the combined efforts of name, chefs, cooks, floor staffs, suppliers and farmers. The combination extending to our guests by providing the highest quality food and service in a warm and welcoming environment. The cafe is the creation of “Ecstasy Lifestyle” and reflects the quality and brand image.

Ecstasy Caffe Contact

Address: Jamuna Future Park,Laval-5,Block-B,Shop-3-6,Kuril Pragati Av, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01933-355333
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 11:00AM To 10:30PM (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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