BD Yellow Pages
IDLC Finance Limited Gazipur

IDLC Finance Limited Gazipur

Today, IDLC marks its presence over 19 cities, represented by 35 branches and booths with over 1300+ employees, serving over 45,000 clients. However, it would be constricting to say that we are merely in the financing business, as we try to do something more. We strive to help people achieve their dreams - the dream of owning a home, the dream of sending their children to a bigger school, the dream of going on a picnic in the family car, the dream of starting a business, or that of expanding it, the dream of generating more employment, the dream of taking the nation to greater heights.


 Rahmat Tower (2nd Floor),House # 1034, Outpara, Tangail Road,Joydebpur Chowrasta, Gazipur-1700 
Telephone : 16409, +88 09609994352 
Facsimile : +880 (2) 926 3569 
E-mail :

IDLC Finance Limited Gazipur Contact

Address: Rahmat Tower,(2nd Floor),House-1034,Outpara,Tangail Road,Jo, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Phone: 02-8834990
Fax: 02-8834377
Website: Click to View
Time: 10am To 6pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)
Holiday: Friday, (Weekly)

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