BD Yellow Pages
Just Juice

Just Juice

"No sugar, water or chemicals & preservatives, JUST JUICE!" - That was exactly what Shihab & Humaira were looking for on a hot Saturday afternoon, while driving around Dhaka city. Ever since Humaira had returned from Australia, she had always noticed that it was hard to find any healthy simple foods in Dhaka city.

It was soon after that the couple realized that a healthy food store was exactly what was required to fill the gap in the Dhaka hospitality industry.

After carefull research and market surveys Shihab and Humaira finally introduced a little take away corner in Gulshan 2; JUST JUICE was born!

The MOTO at Just Juice is to provide simple healthy foods, with quality and service. To maintain such high standards the couple decided to get the entire happy family involved. Hence all pastry and certain cold cuts are homemade daily and delivered to the store. The fruits are carefully handpicked, the staffs are regularly trained and to ensure quality the bread comes from Cooper's, custom made for Just Juice. The other cold cuts are sourced from Bengal Meat. Our quality control and management ensure that only the best are delivered to our customers. The specialties at Just Juice are:


Just Juice Contact

Address: Gulshan North Avenue, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01611-244598
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 8:00 AM To 11:00 PM (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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