BD Yellow Pages
Khawaja Cable Industries Limited

Khawaja Cable Industries Limited

Rome was built, Rome was destroyed. But the Roman touch still exists. Because something good always remains. And a good thing likes a rolling stone that makes the way to the highest. In the year of 1991 Khawaja Cable Industries Limited enlightened the sector of cable industries. And from the year after next- started the commercial production and produced the most markable and durable full brand '777 ENERGY CABLE'. Now the company is established in Shingair Road, Hamayetpur, Savar, and Dhaka in its own premises. A vast experience of thirty five years we have raised and probably constructed many Electrical plants and also with the good will of improving and marketing electrical goods- probably assist us to establish this cable company. For the highest impressive expression we always emphasize on our "Quality and Customer's Satisfaction", to ensure that, we set-up a well established modern laboratory and equipments. And a group of energetic, smart and skilled Diploma and Graduate Engineers who have committed themselves for quality products and prompt respond for marketing.

Khawaja Cable Industries Limited Contact

Address: Ishrat Tower,(Level-4),6,Purana Paltan, Paltan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone: 02-9559534,9559658
Fax: +8802-7119380
Website: Click to View
Time: 10:00 AM To 6:00 PM (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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