BD Yellow Pages
Master Concrete Block Manufacturing

Master Concrete Block Manufacturing

Master Concrete Block Manufacturing (MCBM) is making World standard various kind of Eco-friendly concrete products and fire protection Block. To join the time of modern construction technology MCBM has emerged with a vision to change the way of construction by producing concrete products in the country. MCBM are not using natural soil to make blocks, so no need to use fire, wood, cool or gas. To make MCBM environment friendly concrete products need stone-chips, pea-gravels, sand and stone-dust. MCBM has a full automation production line of huge production capacity which run only by electricity.
MCBM are able to make any size of concrete products as per need of clients.
Use our products for your construction work and take steps with us to save our environment.

Eco-Friendly Products and Fire Protection Block. Modern construction technology. Full automation production. Able to make any size of concrete products.
1. Solid Brick.
2. 6 Holes Brick.
3. Hollow Block (90, 100, 190mm).
4. Kerb-Stone (K-1, K-3, K-4, K-6)
5. Saucer Drain.
6. Pavers (60, 80, 100, 150 mm).
7. Rectangular-Pavers.
8. Embankment Protection Block (H-EPB, SQ-EPB).
9. Pavement Tiles.

Master Concrete Block Manufacturing Contact

Address: 50,Purana Paltan Lane,(2nd Floor), Purana Paltan, Paltan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01711-245397
Phone: 02-9332179,9330814
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 10am To 6pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)
Holiday: Friday, (Weekly)

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