BD Yellow Pages
Mirpur Polytechnic Institute

Mirpur Polytechnic Institute

The Institute of future-oriented and unique institution is committed to achieving excellence in the Engineering, undergraduate and graduate education, research and public service. The Institute provides superior and comprehensive educational opportunities at the baccalaureate through Engineering and special professional educational levels.
The Institute contributes to the advancement of society through research, creative activity, scholarly inquiry, and development of knowledge. The Institute preserves and promotes arts, benefits the nation’s economy, serves the citizens through public programs and is dedicated to the production of quality human resource for the knowledge-driven development of the country.

Mirpur Polytechnic Institute Contact

Address: Mirpur Polytechnic Institute,Mirpur-1, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01934-884606
Phone: 01711-949390,02-8034887
Website: Click to View
Time: 9 am To 8 pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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