BD Yellow Pages
Nanna Biriyani Mirpur 1

Nanna Biriyani Mirpur 1

Nanna Biriyani is a leading Biriyani House in Bangladesh which brings various types of Shahi Biriyani Food such as Kacchi Biriyani, Shahi Morog Polgao etc. It's food panel also enriched by Shahi Borhani and Finni. This page talks about Nanna Biyiani Mirpur-1 which is an authorized franchisee of Nanna Biriyani. We provide a good quality of food that is Kacchi Biriyani, Morog Polao, Borhani, Finni. Our drinks section is being provided by leading Pepsi Company. So we are waiting for you go provide you the taste of Shahi Mughal Food with good service.

Nanna Biriyani Mirpur 1 Contact

Address: Mirpur 1 no.Gol Chottor(Near Over Bridge), Mirpur 1, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01918535001
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 7 am To 11 pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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