BD Yellow Pages
Narayanganj City Corporation

Narayanganj City Corporation

Narayanganj is the 7th City Corporation of the Country. Hon’able Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina declared it as a City Corporation on 21 March, 2011. The City Corporation has been established on 5 May, 2011. The organization started its activities from 23 June, 2011. The area of the City Corporation is 72.43 sqr km. There are 27 wards in it. Narayanganj City Corporation has been formed unifying three former Municipalities: Narayanganj Municipality, Siddhirganj Municipality and Kadam Rasul Municipality. Mr. Shah Kamal was appointed the first administrator of NCC. He had been in charge from 23 June, 2011 to 01 December, 2011. Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy is the first elected Mayor of NCC. The first mayoral election was held on 30 October, 2011. Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy has taken oath on 27 November, 2011 and has taken charge on 01 December, 2011. The first meeting was held on 27 December, 2011.

Narayanganj City Corporation Contact

Address: Bangabandhu Sarak, Narayngonj Sadar, Narayngonj, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01999-999999
Website: Click to View
Time: 10am To 8pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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