BD Yellow Pages
Panchagar Sugar Mills Ltd.

Panchagar Sugar Mills Ltd.

Panchagarh Sugar Mills was set up by the Government in 1965-69 at a cost of Tk.55.55 million. It is near the district Head Quarter of Panchagarh and is the northern most sugar mill in Bangladesh. Machinery and equipment of the sugar mill were supplied by M/S. Stork Werkspoor of Holland. The sugar mill started its trial production in 1969-70. Since independence of Bangladesh (until 2005), the sugar mill has produced 8,536 m. tons of Sugar per annum on average at an average sugar recovery rate of 8.10% from sugarcane.

Highest sugar production was 16,612 m. tons in 1994-95. There are about 31,000 acres of cane-cultivable land in the mill-zone of Panchagarh Sugar Mill of which 10,500 acres per annum on average is brought under sugarcane cultivation.

Panchagar Sugar Mills Ltd. Contact

Address: Panchagarh Sadar, Panchagarh, Bangladesh.
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 12am To 12am (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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