BD Yellow Pages
Prisma Digital

Prisma Digital

The company's HFC network spreads over an approximate area of 20 square kms with 100kms of Fiber Optic Cable and 200 kms of 500 series co-axial cables, catered to by 34 optical nodes. Over the last five years, the company has achieved a significant market coverage in Dhaka City with the 10 cable operator affiliates.

Prisma is based in Gulshan, Dhaka, from where it coordinates and provides direct cable TV Service throughout Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Mahakhali DOHS, Banani DOHS and adjacent areas. It also provides franchise services to Nikunja, Mohakhali, Niketan, Monipur, Kalabagan, Dhanmondi, Baidhara DOHS, Uttra and surrounding areas. Recently company is expanding it's network all over Dhaka city

In 1995-96, Prisma Satellite System decided to enter the Cable TV market and create the difference it made in back 1991 which required a lot of planning, coordination, and training from abroad. Finally in mid 1998, PSS launched the first 100% addressable 750 MHz. Hybrid Fiber Optic Coaxial Network in South Asia. During that time Prisma Satellite Systems changed it name to PRISMA DIGITAL to match with the network it was building and at the same time use PRISMA�s goodwill in the market.

It was all about Perfection, in a less than perfect city. We believed in perfection, for the Product & the Service.

Prisma Digital Contact

Address: 34,Kemal Ataturk Avenue,Awal Center,Level 3, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01711622063
Phone: 02-9857808,9857811
Website: Click to View
Time: 12 am To 12 am (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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