BD Yellow Pages
Purbachal Marine City (Banani)

Purbachal Marine City (Banani)

Our beloved Bangladesh is developing day by day. Everyone has some contribution for this development. But we think as a foreign currency earner, Mariners are the top contributors of our country’s development. Though they live in luxurious places, but they don’t have any community where they can live together and share their happiness and sorrows. So to unite all Mariner's in a community, we blissfully laid the stone named ‘Purbachal Marine City’ which will ensure all Mariners to unite in community and establish mariners distinguish identity

Purbachal Marine City (Banani) Contact

Address: Marine Group,House-02,Road-11,Block-F, Road 11, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01841414545
Phone: 02-9870778,9870885,9870886
Fax: 02-9870536
Website: Click to View
Time: 10:00AM To 6:00PM (Business hours / Bangladesh)
Holiday: Friday, (Weekly)

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