BD Yellow Pages
Purelife RO Systems Limited

Purelife RO Systems Limited

Water is a fundamental part of our lives. The survival of living things is completely dependent on water. On average, the body of an adult human being contains 60% water. Most of the water in human body is contained inside the cell. The cell is a functional and structural unit of a living body. Our billions of cells must have water to live. A 70 Kg man is made up of 42 liters of water that is why the another name of water is life.

Purelife R O Systems Limited has an objective to provide pure drinking water solution to the all communities of people in the country. To continue with the uncompromised standard of quality, services and creating awareness to the communities, we want to be the market leader in a cost effective solution for making available of pure drinking water.

Purelife RO Systems Limited Contact

Address: House-7,Road-19,Sector-12, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801919-998881
Website: Click to View
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 10:00 AM To 8:00 PM (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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