BD Yellow Pages
Purple Cherry

Purple Cherry

Purple Cherry is an cooking institution which is giving women the opportunity to learn different kind of cooking. We provide Moghlai, Chines, Fast Food, Special Kebab, Snacks, Desert items,Salads, Confectionery including various ind of Biscuits, Fruit Curving, Different kind of Parathas, Halua, Sweets and Pithas, Jam-jelly, Curreys, frozen foods etc. We also provide Tiffin for school going kids, we have package for corporate meeting & programme , Family function including Birthday, Gaye Holud etc . We have long term project for women empowerment. We are working on this project.

Purple Cherry Contact

Address: 59,Shaheed Matin Road, kalabagan, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01788684030
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 11am To 5pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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