BD Yellow Pages
Ruslan's Studio

Ruslan's Studio

Ruslan’s Studio is a unique personal training studio, provide you the attention and assistance by individualizing your fitness program to suit your goal. Ruslan’s Studio offers customized tailored training program for your desired goals, complete with a guide to mentally prepare yourself and to change your body with a life style nutrition plan and a physical training plan. The training program comes with years of experience, research dedication to the art of body sculpting. the perfect razor sharp six pack beach figure ,fat burning, muscle building or “body sculpting”, toning up, banishing cellulite, advancing your strength, fitness, conditioning ,athletic performance and customized life style diet

Ruslan's Studio Contact

Address: House-26,Block- F, Road 11, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01778900800
Facebook: Click to View

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