BD Yellow Pages
Samiul Hashim and Associates

Samiul Hashim and Associates

This law chambers has wide experience of litigations, both civil and criminal. Further it is experienced of vetting documents, drafting legal documents, negotiation, mediation etc. It also has expertise in the field of Commercial and Company matters, Artah Rin matters, Banking, Anti Corruption matters, Income Tax matters, Labour Laws, Constitutional matters, Local and International Arbitrations and land related dispute, intellectual property issue, foreign investment issue. 
Chamebrs' managing Partner Samiul Hashim, Barrister & Advocate, has been working for various reputed national and international companies, business firms, banks, financial institutions and individuals. Mr. Hashim has conducted trial and hearing in the District Court and assisted in the High Court Division and Appellate Division.
This law chambers can assure that service will be exclusive, fast, economic and extremely beneficial to the clients. 

Samiul Hashim and Associates Contact

Address: 45,New Eskaton Road, Eskaton, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01713463307
Phone: 0167777777-5
Website: Click to View
Time: 10am To 11pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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