BD Yellow Pages
The Munshi & Associates

The Munshi & Associates

Firm Description: We take special care to understand their clients' businesses, allowing them to offer innovative and pragmatic solutions to clients' legal issues. The Firm has controlled its steady growth over the years through its stringent associate selection process which assures the consistently superior quality of the attorneys. The Firm prides itself on combing the sophistication and expertise of a large firm with the responsiveness to clients and reasonable cost of a smaller firm.

The Munshi & Associates Contact

Address: Munshi Vila (2nd Floor),194/D/1,Tejkunipara, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone: 02-9557094,02-9127014
Fax: 02-7121635,02-815283
Time: 10am To 11pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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