BD Yellow Pages
The Palace Luxury Resort

The Palace Luxury Resort

The resort is located 173km from Dhaka and 71 km from Sylhet just off the Dhaka-Sylhet Highway. For detailed driving directions to the resort from your current location please use the Google Maps app on your phone.

In the Google Maps App, you can also search for The Palace Luxury Resort and select your route. Alternatively you can also enter the GPS coordinates of the resort into the app and get directions: N 24° 24' 15 E 91° 35' 46.

If you require further assistance in getting to the resort you can download the embedded PDF files for directions on how to get there from Sylhet International Airport and Dhaka International Airport.

We also provide a Pick up and Drop off Service to and from Sylhet International Airport. Please call us to confirm your incoming schedule and confirm availability.

The Palace Luxury Resort Contact

Address: Putijuri,Bahubal, Habiganj Sadar, Habiganj, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01910-001000
Phone: 01910001000
Website: Click to View
Time: 12am To 12am (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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