BD Yellow Pages

Eboighar is a portal to create equal availability of educational resources for every student in Bangladesh irrespective of the location they live and the schools or universities they go. It realizes that the ease of buying books in Dhaka should spread across the whole country. All students from Teknaf to Tetulia deserve the same book at the same price, no matter how desolate and remote their locations may be on the map. Eboighar strives to create a fair and equal chance of succeeding for all students. enables you to easily buy, search, download and suggest textbooks, guidebooks, test papers, notebooks, research papers, journals or any material suggested, taught or used by any university, college or school. Soon, you will find your own institute listed here with all the academic resources organized in just the way you need. You will find up-to-date info. You will enjoy Eboighar’s commitment to low cost and 100% purchase protection.

Eboighar is a community. It promotes lifelong belonging. All its affiliates, partners and buyers are its honorable members and not just “customers”. If you are not a member yet, hurry up. Online registration is free!. Request, search, download and suggest books or any educational material in just a few clicks. Eboighar takes order by SMS or by phone call also. You can benefit from convenient electronic payments, cash on delivery, easy returns and a dedicated membership service. As an educator, you can recommend books to your students and colleagues. As a retail book seller, you can become Eboighar’s partner to get quick bulk delivery. As a book supplier, you can become a partner in Eboighar's mutual growth to build the nation. Eboighar embraces you all.

Eboighar's believes - 
Equal reaches to education for everyone 
Create shared value in national education 
Do one task really very good and perfect

Find Us 

215/A, Outer Circular Road Baro Moghbazar, Dhaka 1217 
Helpline: 01918993322 01822100000 01795401010 
bKash (Merchant): 01779-003333 
E-mail: Contact

Address: 215/A,(1st Floor),Outer Circular Road,Baro Moghbazar, Bara Moghbazar, Moghbazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01918993322
Phone: 01822100000,01795401010
Website: Click to View
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 9am To 10pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

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