BD Yellow Pages
SA Paribahan

SA Paribahan

SA Paribahan is the largest courier service provider in Bangladesh established in 1965. They have a wide range of coverage all over the country for their service. They are committed to their service.

You can choose SA Paribahan to courier your parcel or goods. Their service and service charge is good in the competitive business area.

Now, we are going to serve some relevant information such as their head office or main office contact, address, Facebook, and other social existence, SA Paribahan's all-branch list or service point list with contact details, and so on.

SA Paribahan Contact

Address: 22-23, Kakrail, Shantinagar Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01755512601, 01755512602
Phone: 9351467, 9332052, 9356581
Fax: 9334730, 9341237
Facebook: Click to View
Time: 8 am To 10 pm (Business hours / Bangladesh)

SA Paribahan Branch List

(A - Z Alphabetical Order)

BD Yellow Pages is a Business directory. We are trying to provide correct information collected from authentic sources, that updates yearly. But, we can not guarantee all information is accurate. So, do not make any transactions based on the provided information. Do validation and verification for your activity with your own responsibility. We do not have any relation with SA Paribahan and do not have any responsibility for this business or activity. Thank You.